Full day trip
Salles down to Le Teich (Gironde)
9 AM - "FULL DAY" - 16 km
3h30 of navigation
On your own: 27 € per person
With a guide: 36 € per person
From the Gascony Forest to the Leyre Delta, around 56 miles can be navigated by canoe or kayak. Half day, full day or hiking between 5 and 6 days [PDF document - 677 Ko], come and enjoy nature, the wild river running through the Landes de Gascogne Regional Natural Park.
9 AM - "FULL DAY" - 16 km
3h30 of navigation
On your own: 27 € per person
With a guide: 36 € per person
To throw itself into the Arcachon Basin, the Leyre river forms a delta where soft and salty water mix; a famous site for bird watching.
More info on the tour of Leyre's DeltaEnjoy a ride around the Arcachon Bay supervised by an instructor and discover the banc d'Arguin and our charming Pyla Dune on a sea kayak.
More info on the tour of the Banc d'ArguinDiscover the island of Birds ("l'île aux oiseaux") and its cabins on stilts, cross the oyster farms, and get to the cabins of the "chasse à la tonne".
Birthday, « cousinade », team bulding / works council, bachelorette party / bachelor party, sports raid, school, vacation center, leisure center, or simply outing with friends!
Get in touch with us! →
For more than 20 years, we have organised canoe trips on the Leyre river and its Delta as well as sea kayak tours on the Arcachon Bayfor you to discover oyster farms, migrating birds, the great Pyla Dune or cabin on stilts (the "cabanes tchanquées") from the Island of the Birds ("L'île aux Oiseaux").
Nathaniel, sea kayak instructor licensed by the FFCK (French Federation of Canoe and Kayak) and his team will be pleased to share their passion and help you discover the riches of this beautiful region.
17, Allée de la Fontaine St Jean - 33470 Le Teich (Gironde)
GPS : 44.623982,-0.997167